Curriculum Vita


DAVID E. McKINSEY                                                                       Phone:   619/594-8042

Operating Systems Analysis                                                               FAX:     619/594-4938

Department of Geography

San Diego State University

San Diego, CA 92182-4493





       Master of Arts, Department of Geography, San Diego State University, 1988.

       Thesis title: Priority Ranking For Prescribed Burning in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Using a Geographic Information System.


       Cartography Certificate, Department of Geography, San Diego State University, 1986


       Bachelor of Arts, Department of Geography, San Diego State University, 1985.


       ERDAS training course, 1987.


       ESRI ARC/INFO training course, 1987.

       ESRI ArcGIS geodatabase, 2010

       ESRI ArcGIS for Server: Site Configuration and Administration, 2014

       San Diego State University Supervisors Academy, 2013

       BAE Systems Socet GXP,   2015




       Spring 1989-Spring 1991 - Geography 381- Maps & Graphic Methods

       Spring 1999 and Fall 2001 - Visual Basic and MapObjects (external certificate program GIS related programming for non-computer science majors)  




San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, Center for Earth Systems Analysis Research (CESAR), Technical Manager/Operating  Systems Analysis 1997-present


       San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, Center for Earth Systems Analysis Research (CESAR), Technical Manager/Assistant Systems Software Specialist, July 1992-1997.


       San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, Center for Earth Systems Analysis Research (CESAR), Technical Manager/Instructional Computing Consultant I, July 1988-1992.


       San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, Graduate Assistant, 1986 - 1988.  Duties included managing the Center for Earth Systems Analysis Research.





       Developing automated techniques for editing and coding scanned contour data and managing the creation of a county contour coverage from the USGS seven and one half minute quad sheets. 1994 - 1998.


       Developing automated techniques for extracting landuse changes using SPOT/Pan data, for use in updating county landuse maps, 1995-1996.


       Mapping vegetation stands using Image segmentation for management, monitoring and modeling in the Pine Creek Watershed, Cleveland National Forest, 1991. (with Richard Wright and Janet Franklin.)


       Crystal Cove Prescribed Fire Management Program, California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1990. (with Douglas Stow)


       Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. GIS data base development including map digitizing, merging and processing of Landsat/TM, digital map data analyses, 1987-1995.


       Santa Margarita project.  Managing the development of GIS data base.  Performed video digitizing, rectifying and processing of aerial photographs and digitization of maps, 1988-89.


       Consulting and technical guidance in database development for Otay Mesa, Ocotillo Wells, Hollister and Carnegie, Pine Creek, Pismo Dunes, Prairie City, Clay Pit, Anza Borrego, 1988-1995.


       Worked on change detection research project using processed Landsat/MSS and SPOT/MS data, 1988-1993.



(Supervise staff and grad students working on projects, direct, develop and write user interfaces and process flow, database management, etc.)


Campus Geodatabase project, working with enterprise geodatabase for campus utilities 2015-present


       San Diego County Digital Elevation Model, San Diego Association of Governments and U.S. Geological Survey, 1995-1998. (with Richard Wright)


       Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Hypsography Database, U.S. Geological Survey, 1994. (with Richard Wright)


       Anza Borrego Digital Topographic Database, State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1993.  (with Douglas Stow and Richard Wright)


       Pine-Oak Restoration Project GIS for Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1993. (with Richard Wright)


       Prescribed Fire GIS Database for Cuyamaca Rancho State Park and Crystal Cove State Park, State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1993. (with Richard Wright)






       Stow, D., A. Hope, D. McKinsey, H. Pray, Deriving Dynamic Information On Fire Fuel Distributions In Southern California Chaparral From Remotely Sensed Data.  Landscape and Urban Planning, 1993


       Technical Report:  McKinsey, D., D. Stow, and R. Wright, Crystal Cove State Park Unit Wide Prescribed Fire Management Plan, State Department of California Parks and Recreation, September 1992, 58 pp.


       Stow, D., D. Collins and D. McKinsey, 1990.  Land Use Change Detection Based on Multi-Date Imagery From Different Satellite Sensor Systems, Geocarto International, 1990.




Wells, M. L., J. F. O’Leary, J. Franklin, J. Michaelsen and D. E. McKinsey, 2004, Variations in a regional fire regime related to vegetation type in San Diego County, California, Landscape Ecology, vol. 19, pp. 139-152

       Wells, M. and D. McKinsey,  Lighting Strikes and Natural Fire Regimes in San Diego County, California. Proceedings of the Biswell Symposium: Fire Issues in the Urban Interface and Wildland Ecosystems.  USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report. PSW-GTR-158. 1995.


       Wells, M. and D. McKinsey, The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Lighting Strikes in San Diego County, California. Proceedings of the Eighth International GIS/LIS Conference, Minneapolis, MN,  November 1993.


       Wright, R., D. McKinsey, and B. Bell, Integrating Soil Loss Standards and Geographic Information Systems in the Management of Off-Highway Vehicle Parks.  Proceedings of the Seventh International GIS/LIS Conference, San Jose, CA, November 1992.


       Stow, D., S. Westmoreland, and D. McKinsey, R. Parrott, S. Carnevale, D. Collins and S. Sperry, Processing Flows for Correcting and Updating Vector-Coded GIS Layers Using Remotely Sensed Data, Proceedings of the Initiative Twelve Symposium, American Society of Photogrammetry and the National Center for Geographic Information Analysis, Baltimore, MD, April 1991.


       Stow, D., S. Westmoreland, D. McKinsey, F. Mertz, J. Nathanson, S. Sperry and D. Nagel, 1990.  Efficient Creation, Correction and Updating of Vector-Coded GIS Coverages Using Remotely Sensed Data, Proceedings of GIS/LIS '90, 209-218, Anaheim, California, November, 1990.


       Stow, D., S. Westmoreland, D. McKinsey, F. Mertz and D. Collins, Raster-Vector Integration for Updating Land Use Data,  Twenty-Third International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Bangkok, Thailand, April 1990.


       Wells, M. and D. McKinsey, Using Geographic Information System.  Proceedings of the GIS, 90, Vancouver, BC, April 1990.


       McKinsey, D., Priority Ranking For Prescribed Burning in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Using a Geographic Information System.  Proceeding of the Third International GIS/LIS Conference, pp. 961-970, Falls Church, VA, 1988.




       Integrating Imagery and Geographic Information Systems  for mapping Geomorphic regions .   ESRI Users Conference, Palm Springs, 1994.


       Prescribed Burning in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, National Computer Graphics Association, November 1989.


       Priority Ranking For Prescribed Burning in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Using a Geographic Information System. Third International GIS/LIS Conference, Falls Church, VA, 1988.




       Developing computer clusters for high end computing
- 17 node Hadoop cluster
- 10 node MongoDB cluster
- Windows based ArcGIS Enterprise Stack Facilities Management 5 nodes
- Windows based ArcGIS Enterprise Stack Academic 12 nodes
- Ubuntu based ArcGIS Enterprise Stack Academic in process


       Continuing work on GIS and fire behavior models.


       Mapping with regards to fuel models, vegetation, fire history and fire frequency.


       Distribution of lightning and lighting caused fires.




       ERDAS Users Meeting, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994.


       ESRI Users Meeting, 1988-2018


ESRI Developers Summit, 2015 – 2018





            Taught workshop on Visual Basic applications for non-computer scientists spring 2004

Conducted Training Workshops for ARCVIEW for employees at three state parks. September 1995

Four GIS Training Workshops, entry and advanced levels, June 1992 through June 1993.

Set up equipment; coordinated demonstrations; small group instruction. GIS/Image Processing Workshop, February 1990 and June 1990.

Set up equipment; coordinated demonstrations; small group instruction. GIS Workshop for State Park Personnel, July 1988.  Presented two lectures on database development and fire modeling; small group instruction.