Current Class:                   Operating Systems Analysis                                                              

Department/Work Unit:    Department of Geography                                                                 

Incumbent :                        David E. McKinsey                                                                            

Supervisor:                        Ed Aguado , Department Chair                                                         





The primary function of the Department of Geography is teaching of geography to both under-graduate and graduate students. Faculty also conduct research in their areas of specialization and involve as many qualified students in their projects as possible. Degrees offered by Geography are as follows:

            1)   Joint Ph.D. (with U.C.-Santa Barbara).

            2)   Master of Arts.

            3)   BA in Liberal Arts & Sciences.

            Minor in Geography.

            Certificate in Geographic Information Systems. Prepares a student to carry out

            mapping activities and cartographic analyses in the public/private sectors.


Faculty: The Department of Geography consists of 21 tenured/tenure-track faculty,  1 full-time Lecturer, 3 Adjunct Professors, 3-4 part-time faculty, 16 Ph.D. Teaching Associates, 4 Graduate Teaching Assistants, and approximately 30 Graduate/Research Assistants.


Staff: Support staff consists of 2 Operating System Analysis; 3 full time Research Analysis (Foundation position); 1 Clerical Assistant IIIA; 1 Department Secretary IA and 1 Department Secretary IIIA. These staff members are supervised by the Department Chair. Additionally, several Graduate Research Assistants are assigned to CESAR activities and are supervised by the Operating System Analysis (Dave McKinsey).




Center for Earth Systems Analysis Research (CESAR)


The Center for Earth Systems Analysis Research (CESAR) is a computer-based research and instructional facility administered by the Department of Geography (see attached sheets). Operation of CESAR is directed by the Department Chair, Dr. Douglas Stow. The purpose of the Center is to apply state of the art technology in image processing, remote sensing, geographic information systems, automated cartography and numerical modeling to problems with a spatial dimension.


Incumbent manages the day-to-day operations of the CESAR laboratory. Responsible for installing, maintaining and evaluating computer system software (operating systems, compilers, communications software, image processing software, geographic information systems (GIS) and data base software, complex utilities, etc.). Maintains currency in state of the art image processing and GIS software; evaluates these software needs and pressures on both hardware and operating systems. Maintains and installs network Unix and NT file servers, workstations, PCs and Macs.




A.  Installation and Maintenance of Computer Equipment (65%)


      Independently installs, maintains, and evaluates computer systems software. Is responsible for the operation of Unix and NT servers and workstations, as well as MS-DOS, Windows and Macintosh systems and general network support.


      1.  Monitors and supervises the overall day-to-day functioning of the operating systems software on all workstations and servers.


      2.  Maintains, develops, evaluates and modifies operating systems to meet changing requirements. Includes maintaining currency in computing security, user interfaces computing concepts, techniques, applications software advances


      3.  Problem Solving. Trouble shoots and identifies all problems related to Department e-mail and printing.  Debugs and corrects problems of all faculty, staff, and graduate assistant workstations when necessary (which is often). Solves problems dealing with image processing and GIS software and associated data files in CESAR.


      4.  Installs upgrades to the operating system, data base, image processing, geographic information system software.


      5.  Supervises lower level staff when they are performing systems software work. Also supervises/assists students working on projects and special assignments in CESAR


      6.  Maintains computer programs and libraries in operational condition. Maintains currency and evaluates new computer systems and software capabilities.


      7.  Coordinates, configures, tests and installs hardware upgrades.


      8.  Identifies and corrects system and application software failures in a timely manner.


B.  Programming (20%)


      1.  Writes complex programs and menu driven user interfaces for data conversion projects.


      2. Services as project manager for data conversion projects.


      3.  Assists in designing and writing complex programs that are used by the instructional and research user community


      4.  Networking support. Integrates thick, thin, and twisted pair Ethernet as well as AppleTalk on Unix, PC, and Macintosh systems.


      5.  Writes scripts for system and data backups and maintains hardware.


C.  Operations (10%)


      1.  Acts as consultant on software and hardware procurement matters.


      2.  Acts as a consultant to other technical personnel to solve computer system software problems and to achieve the best use of available resources.


      3.  Works with users to identify and resolve operating system and software problems.


D.  Miscellaneous (5%)


      1.  Instructs faculty, staff and students in the use of computer hardware and software.


      2.  Orders supplies and data (i.e., disks, tapes, data cartridges, printer supplies, digital data, etc.).


      3.  Prepares documentation for users and technical staff when upgrades or changes to software or hardware are needed.




      1.   Incumbent has been in this position for 14 years. The responsibilities have changed significantly over that time to include more sophisticated programming activities: Maintains, installs, and upgrades complex operating systems, servers, department wide printing e-mail and web services.


            (See above description of duties and responsibilities and curriculum vitae.)


      2.   Hands on experience and knowledge of the Unix operating system, both BSD and System V, programming experience on Unix and DOS based systems, working knowledge of FORTRAN, Pascal, C, C++, Unix Shell programming, HTML, Database Systems, Awk, and appropriate debuggers. Able to write programs and work with existing code.


      3.   Hands on experience and knowledge of operating VMS, UNIX, NT, DOS and Mac system software design. Knowledge of data processing equipment and its capabilities to interface between hardware and software.


      4.   Ability to write complex programs, analyzes data, data conversion; reason logically and creatively; identify problems and draw valid conclusions; works with graduate/research assistants and faculty in developing methods of processing and presenting data; networking equipment; establishes and maintains cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work; ability to work under pressure; speak effectively and prepare effective reports.


      5.   Thoroughly familiar with Unix workstations, internet services, SCSI interfaces, PC interfaces and assorted Ethernet and AppleTalk hardware and software.


      6.   Knowledge of and working experience with geographic data sets and the unique problems, need and handling procedures for these data types. Incumbent has particular expertise in wildlife fire management and application of geographic technologies to this area.


      7.   Knowledge of the campus infrastructure important.




            M.A.               1988                Geography                  San Diego State University

            B.A.                 1985                Geography                  San Diego State University


Additional classes in Unix, Unix system administration, C, C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, programming languages and algorithms.


Training courses in image processing and Geographic Information System software.


Ten years of experience working with researchers, processing data and developing new techniques of processing image and cartographic data.


Six years experience in maintaining, upgrading, installing and evaluating operating systems on VAX and main frame, SUN and IBM workstations.


Ten years of experience on PCs and Macs in maintaining, upgrading, installing and evaluating operating systems, etc.